Objects of unknown origins.
Unearthed was a group show as part of The Brooklyn Ceramic Arts Tour, May, 2023.
Rachel O’Meara Shifty Wall
The works in Unearthed read as rediscovered artifacts of unknown origins, archeological relics that have shifted, eroded, and transformed themselves just as the earth around them has done the same. Viewers are challenged to find a way to categorize/understand these objects that are at once mysterious and mundane, treasured and trashed, forged in the past or future, anchored by the human hand.
Curated by Clare Burson and Sarah May Malin Abrahamsson, Clare Burson, Jane Dodds, Julia Elsas, Judy Hoffman, Rachel Omeara, Bonnie Ralston, Tiana Tucker
Malin Abrahamsson Contextualizer, Star Balance, Circle Tracker
Malin Abrahamsson Circle Tracker
Jane Dodds
Jane Dodds 412.55 ppm CO2 August 2020
Julia Elsas Chime Choir
Bonnie Ralston, Clare Burson
Clare Burson August, 1975 (detail)
Bonnie Ralston Menace II, Menace III
Bonnie Ralston Menace II
Judy Hoffman Big Yellow, Downward, Founded
Judy Hoffman Big Yellow
Rachel O’Meara Shifty Wall (Detail)
Tig Tucker (detail)
Tig Tucker Chains
Clare Burson, Julia Elsas
Clare Burson Far from Forgotten